Job Referral Network

Hello Peers,

Would you like to join hands in a non-profit Job Referral Initiative? We encounter many people in our everyday life. Some of them are struggling to get a job and some of them are struggling to get rightly skilled resources.

Many times, our teammates ask us to refer to a friend we know. here at Job Referral Network We are trying to consolidate the openings as well as skilled resources in one place for ease of referrals.

if you think you can contribute to this initiative in any way. Please feel free to submit your joining request through the form below.

Do you know anyone who is searching for a job or someone who can help someone get a job? Please re-share this post on your social media timelines, or any 2 social media groups.

That’s the least we can do to help someone in need, right?

I have done my bit, it’s time for you 🙂

Let’s join hands & help each other

Thank You!
HR Exchange

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