About Us

HR Exchange is a non-profit initiative from SocialWorks, a team of volunteers who are contributing to consolidate the job openings in various govt. & non-govt. organisations and broadcast them to the needy people.

India has been a land of innovations for long time we call it “Jugaad” in our local language. which in other words means connections. How many of us are really taking full leverage of our connections/contacts? is a big question. so lets not just connect but also contribute and take full leverage of our connections. Like minded people who think this initiative can really make an impact on how we search jobs, how we search for a known person to give a push to get hired, how can we get introduced and referred by an existing employee of the organisation may come and join hands with us.

so lets not just make new connections but use them. You may join us through various social media channels as given on our Contact Us Page or may drop an email to referrals@hrexchange.org